A Vertek Threat Intelligence Analyst Identifies Trik Spam Botnet Leaks 43 Million Email Addresses

A Threat Intelligence Analyst on Vertek’s Cybersecurity team recently discovered a massive spam recipient list from a bad threat actor’s botnet after analyzing a malware sample that was distributed via email to one of our clients.

To read more regarding Vertek’s discovery, please see: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/trik-spam-botnet-leaks-43-million-email-addresses/

Following the discovery of this incident, the analyst worked with Troy Hunt at HIBP (https://haveibeenpwned.com) and about 10% (4M) of the addresses in the SPAM leak were new/not recorded in a previous breach.  These recently added addresses are now listed in HIBP’s database of recent data breaches and the record of the incident tie back to the bleeping computer article and Vertek.

Please note that one cannot be certain how email addresses from a particular domain ended up in their malware SPAM database.  This blog post is intended strictly for awareness only and to showcase Vertek’s increasing capabilities and collaboration with industry recognized peers in Cybersecurity.

Contact hello@vertek.com today to learn about our security expertise and the services we offer to improve your security posture.

Trik Bot

Additional Information can be found here: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/trik-spam-botnet-leaks-43-million-email-addresses/
